When Jesus came to Jerusalem during The Passover, He discovered cattle, sheep, and money changers in The Temple. The people were being taken advantage of, and His Father's House, that was supposed to have been a house of prayer, had been made into a market place. Jesus drove out the cattle, commanded that the doves be taken away, and overturned the money changers tables. He created quite a stir, and the priests and the leaders of the Jews were not happy about it.
They should have received Him. They should have recognized His authority, or at the very least recognized that he was correct in His criticism of the condition of the outer court of the temple. But, as the scriptures tell us, "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." They questioned His authority to do what He had done, and asked for a sign to confirm His authority. He told them to tear down the temple, and that in three days He would raise it up. They were confused, thinking that He referred to the building itself, but as John 2 tells us, He was referring to the temple of His body, of his coming crucifixion, and the subsequent resurrection that would restore Him to life, and open the door to eternal life to all who believe in His name.
To hear more about the cleansing of the temple, and John chapter two, click on this link below and listen in on last weeks sermon.
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